DUI Charges in Sand Springs
After a DUI arrest, you may be feeling understandably overwhelmed. You have probably considered the most serious consequences of a conviction, including a loss of your license, a mark on your criminal record, and even the possibility of time behind bars.
Possible Defenses
Remember: an arrest is not a conviction. Being charged with a DUI does not necessarily mean that you will be convicted of this serious offense. There are many potential defenses against a DUI charge that may include challenging the chemical test results, challenging the results of the field sobriety test and even challenging the initial stop and investigation.
Sand Springs DUI Attorney
In order to effectively challenge the evidence against you, it is imperative that you retain the services of an experienced lawyer who specializes in DUI defense.
At the Edge Law Firm, our team of attorneys and legal professionals is among the best in the business of DUI defense. To learn how we can help you, schedule a free consultation by calling the Edge Law Firm today.
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